『つづく みんなの猿島プロジェクト』とは
What is “Continuation: Sarushima For All Project”?
This project is focused on the future for this jewel of Tokyo Bay, and it simultaneously focuses on two themes, “the environment” and “tourism.” This initiative strives to protect the lush natural environment and historical heritage of the island while linking them to the development of tourism and nearby areas.
These connections are made with a variety of learning.
This project provides an opportunity for people of all ages from children to adults to get to know Sarushima and enjoy the environment while also learning about it.
Based on the thinking behind the SDGs, we are aiming for a cycle of “environment x tourism x learning.”
This is a new challenge for the future, with everyone considering what they can do to protect the precious natural environment and cultural heritage of the uninhabited island of Sarushima.


Creating a Cycle of “Enjoy > Learn > Protect”
観光客の皆さんが猿島を訪れると、そこに待っているのは東京湾の絶景。史跡散策や釣り、BBQなどで遊んだら、エコステーションで楽しみながら資源分別をしてみましょう。見渡せば、島のあちこちに最新のエコ設備がたくさん! 知らず知らずのうちに、環境の取り組みが学べます。それらのアイテムはもちろん、島の豊かな自然や文化財、さらには地球の環境を守るもとになっていく──。
When tourists visit Sarushima, they find panoramic views of Tokyo Bay waiting for them. After activities like visiting historic sites, fishing, and BBQ, let’s enjoy sorting recyclables at the Eco Station. Take a look around and you can find lots of the latest ecologically-friendly facilities all over the island! Before you know it, you’ll end up learning a lot about environmental initiatives. In addition to these items, the cycle protects the abundant natural scenery and cultural assets of the island, contributing to improving the environment of the Earth as a whole.
This “environment x tourism x learning” cycle is currently starting up at this uninhabited island in Tokyo Bay.


Looking out on the world from Sarushima! —2030 Sarushima Future Proclamation—

This project is based on a Sarushima version of the “international goals for a sustainable and better world by 2030,” also known as the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
“The ideal form of Sarushima in 2030” is set for each of the 17 SDG goals, and we are progressing step by step toward achieving it.
Some examples include the establishment of the Eco Station, achievement of 100% renewable energy use, the launch of electrically-propelled ships, creation of a food loop framework, and elimination of plastic waste.
In addition, it has also become a place for participating companies and groups who agree with the concept to demonstrate their latest environmentally-friendly technology.
In this sense, the island is like an environmental showroom in Tokyo Bay.
This mysterious island has an 8,000-year history, and it will be reborn as a place where you can visit and see the Earth’s future.

ガイドブック『猿島 歴史と自然の宝庫』
Learn about Sarushima in greater depth! Announcing the “Sarushima: A Treasure Trove of History and Nature” Guidebook
収益の一部は「つづく みんなの猿島プロジェクト」の活動資金に充当され、猿島の自然や文化財を守る取り組みに使われます。
・猿島 歴史と自然の宝庫

Covers the island’s long, long history starting from the Jomon period and its lush, natural environment, located in the center of Tokyo Bay. Part of the earnings will be used to fund the “Continuation: Sarushima For All Project” and used for initiatives to protect the environmental and cultural assets of Sarushima.
・Sarushima: A Treasure Trove of History and Nature
On sale: December 2020
Price: 500 yen (tax included)
Distributed by: Tryangle Inc.